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A greener web with Pixel Dojo

At Pixel Dojo we follow green web design practices to ensure our websites are sustainable with the minimum of impact on the environment.

But what does it mean to use green web design practices?

Green web design follows the principle that the more efficiently a website uses energy the lower its energy consumption and the CO2 emissions it produces.

Websites that are more eco-friendly have less of an impact on the environment because they require less electricity to run and with that less carbon emissions are produced.

With climate alarmism around the world you might think that we only have a few years to live until the world is destroyed by the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

We all have to do our part

However, you might not need to worry, because according to David Bellamy, the once popular English botanist and BBC television presenter said:

'Climate change is about cycles, it's a natural thing that has always happened.'

David Bellamy

Whether global warming is cyclical or not the world's eco-systems are negatively affected by global warming and as a result we should all play our part in using less energy.

At Pixel Dojo we make our websites more eco-friendly by:

  • Optimising images to reduce file size.
  • Using lazy load for images.
  • Optimising code.
  • Deleting content that is not required and therefore not uploaded to servers.
  • Using lightweight fonts.
  • Setting up web caching so pages only load once on client machines.
  • Improve site navigation through better user experience.
  • Being strategic with videos.
  • Use a green host like Webflow who uses AWS and benefiting from their renewable energy initiatives and minimizing the environmental impact of powering websites.

By optimising websites and using less bloated frameworks we can all do our part in reducing energy consumption in website design and minimise the impact on the environment.


Need a consultation? We can advise

Whatever your business needs, we’ll create a great looking website that works for you.

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